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Table of contents
User Interface
Data loss - prevention and recovery in Rockstor
UPS / NUT Setup
How-tos & Guides
Community Contributions
Contributing to Rockstor - Overview
Contributing to Rockstor documentation
Contributing a Rock-on
Deleting a Rock-on
Product FAQ
Community Contributions
Contributing to Rockstor - Overview
Non developers
Local git repo setup
Making changes
Build VM
Build VM initial setup
Change -> Test cycle
Adding third party Javascript libraries
Database migrations
Shipping changes
Commit history cleanup
Contributing and testing from another Rockstor contributor fork
Contributing to Rockstor documentation
Environment setup
Making changes
Submit your changes
Contributing a Rock-on
How can I add my own Rock-on?
Adding vs. updating a Rock-on
Which Docker image should I use?
Environment setup
Steps to Contribute a Rock-on with a Pull Request
Deleting a Rock-on
Rockstor USB install disk using Gnome Disks <-
-> Contributing to Rockstor - Overview